Sustainability pillars

There is increasing demand for environmental, economic, and socially sustainable events. Most companies and associations consider conferences and events as an extension of their brand and a platform to communicate values. Environmental sustainability is essential—and most often makes the news, there are other equally crucial sustainability values to consider.

Environmental sustainability

Reykjavík is powered by 100% sustainable energy. All homes and businesses are heated with geothermal energy, and electricity is sourced from geothermal and hydroelectric. Icelanders are embracing their natural resources and exporting their energy know-how globally. They are striving to be ultimately carbon neutral by 2040. We realize that buyers and attendees care about sustainability.

Economic sustainability

The most significant pillar of Iceland's economy is fisheries, as it has been for centuries. Since the early 1980s, Iceland implemented a science-based quota system to manage this precious resource. Today, the country is a leading example of enforcing and maintaining sustainable fisheries. Other economic pillars are nature-based tourism and the development, building, and exporting of sustainable hydro and geothermal energy know-how for projects domestically and internationally. 

Social sustainability

According to the UN Global Compact, the first six of the UN Global Compact's principles focus on this social dimension of corporate sustainability, of which human rights is the cornerstone. For decades, Iceland has enacted policies that support equality and human rights. Iceland consistently ranks highly in the United Nation's Human Development Index, is 1st in the Global Gender Gap Index, and is LGBTQ+ friendly for a more positive society. Furthermore, Iceland's unspoiled environment means plenty of clean air and water. Iceland ranks highly in political empowerment and educational attainment. Former president, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir was the first female democratically elected president in the world, and Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, who served as Prime Minister of Iceland from 2009-2013, was the world's first openly gay Prime minister. It is no coincidence that Yoko Ono selected Iceland for the Imagine Peace Tower—Iceland has been in first place on the Global Peace Index since 2011. Icelanders rank highly on the OECD Better life index for employment averages. According to the World Database of Happiness, Icelanders report high Average Happiness and the number of Happy Life Years

Sustainable Reykjavík

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